New guidance for landowners and land managers wanting to encourage healthy water vole populations on their land has been released by PTES (People’s Trust for Endangered Species).
Reviewed and endorsed by the UK Water Vole Steering Group* it provides a wealth of information in a compact, and easy to follow guide. Topics covered include:
- Livestock management beside watercourses
- Buffer strips
- Sympatheic watercourse and ditch management
- Restoring, recreating and managing wetlands
- Control of American mink
If you think you may have water voles on your land and want to get a copy you can download a PDF copy from the Essex Rivers Hub or contact PTES. Please also report your sightings of mink or water voles to Essex Wildlife Trust’s River Catchment Coordinator, Darren Tansley We can provide free landowner advice for anyone wishing to help with the Essex Water Vole and Mink Project.
*The UK Water Vole Steering Group coordinates water vole conservation in England, Wales and Scotland with representatives from The Environment Agency, Natural England, Natural Resources Wales, Scottish Natural Heritage, The Wildlife Trusts, RSPB and PTES.