We are still working hard on a number of river projects across the North West of Essex and have made significant strides forward in the past month or so with regards to completing these projects.
Having completed works on Little Waltham (which is looking great). The wet woodland is developing nicely and with the new fencing this gives it a great chance to scrub up nicely providing more homes for wildlife and nature. I often think that scrub is inappropriately named, it seems to indicate that it is a wasted area or not worthy of note. However, scrub is great habitat for birds’ especially Trans-Saharan warblers, when conducting any bird survey it is often small areas of scrub that prove to the most effective areas.
We have delayed works on Braintree Bocking until August when we will mobilise to complete this works. This makes sense in the context of the environment we are working in and should allow us to get in and out with much less disruption.
As such attention has turned to the final three projects on the River Pant. These have not received as much publicity partly as they are on private land and as such public access will be limited. That said these do have the potential to make a significant contribution to the River Pant.
Broadly we will be creating several hectares of new wet woodland and fen meadow as well as creating new back channels and fish refuges. Both the new wet woodland and back channel in terms of how we will create, will share very similar themes. We have calculated the exact position that the pipe will be inserted into the side of the river using historical flow data and have worked out that this should allow us to wet up the sites 4 or 5 times during the winter. This will allow us to hit our ecological targets and protect the ecology that relies on the river during times of low flow.
There are a couple of things we should mention, we are extremely grateful to the Environment Agency in granting us an extension to the catchment restoration fund project which will allow us to complete all the projects on time and at an appropriate time of the year and a special mention must go to the landowners who have shown considerable patience and a big thank you for allowing us to conduct work on their land.