The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) have produced a new report entitled “Floods and Dredging – a reality check”, endorsed by the Blueprint for Water coalition.
The report outlines how widespread dredging could make flooding in some communities worse in future- not better. It concludes that changes in land management should be central to the flood risk management strategies of the future.
The report concludes that dredging can play an important role in flood risk management in some cases, but is not a stand alone solution. It should be considered in the context of a range of tools and the origins of different sources of flood water, and comes with significant risks that must be understood at a local and catchment scale.
CIWEM is the chartered professional body covering all aspects of water and environmental activity.
The Blueprint for Water coalition is a coalition of environmental, water efficiency, fishing and angling organisations of which The Wildlife Trusts is a member.
The full report can be downloaded here.
To see a video demonstration on the negative impact dredging can have, watch this short video, unintended effects of dredging.