If you spend any time in Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park in Rochford you might notice some additions to the river (Nobles Green Ditch, a tributary of the River Roach), which flows through it.
On Wednesday 24th February 2016 a group of volunteers, including members of the Friends of Cherry Orchard Park, members of the Conservation Team at Essex Wildlife Trust and the Catchment Manager from the Environment Agency installed ‘woody debris’ into the channel.
This involved embedding lengths of wood into the bank, angled downstream and secured by driving wooden pegs into the river bed to keep them in place. A group were also involved in managing areas of bankside vegetation to remove over hanging branches, etc. This will reduce the shading of the channel and areas were chosen that are less disturbed by people and dogs so that in-channel vegetation can develop.
This project has been funded by Essex and Suffolk Water’s Branch Out fund. So we would like to thank them for their support. We would also like to thank the volunteers who gave up their time to help us.